Kaburaki Kiyokata enjoyed experiencing the changing seasons in the garden of his home, where he had planted his favorite flowers. Visitors can still enjoy these flowering plants in the museum garden. In particular, Kiyokata felt such an affinity and fondness for hydrangeas (ajisai) that he adopted the pseudonym Ajisai-no-ya (the House of Hydrangea).
We might imagine that the flower sketches casually included among his works were reminders of his garden’s beauty.
Hydrangeas (1955)/Our collection
March Forsythia, Spiraea thunbergii, Daphne odora
April Maples in fresh green,Chinese redbud
May Iris, Azalea, Sacred bamboo
June Hydrangea, Clematis, Oakleaf Hydrangea
July Gardenia, Saint John’s wort
August Rose of Sharon, Scarlet rose mallow, Lagerstroemia indica
September Rose of Sharon, Japanese toad lily, Reineckea carnea
October Fragrant Olive, Japanese toad lily, Reineckea carnea
November Japanese maple, Camellia
December Sacred bamboo, Whinter camellia
January Japanese apricot, Winter camellia, Narcissus
February Japanese apricot, Winter camellia, Narcissus