Special Exhibition

The 120th Anniversary of Sanyūtei Enchō’s Death Mysterious and Beauteous World of Kiyokata and Enchō

Sanyūtei Enchō, very popular rakugoka (story-teller) in the late Edo period to the Meiji period, was Kiyokata’s father’s friend and also Kiyokata’s benefactor.
This exhibition sheds light on the relationship of Kiyokata and Enchō, showing a young Kiyokata’s diary on a journey with Enchō and a part of Enchō’s collection of pictures of yurei (ghosts).

24 October-29 November, 2020

Adults ¥300
Elementary and Junior High School Students ¥150

Mondays(except for 23 Nov.), 10 and 24 Nov.


作品名 制作年
Yūrei 1906
Shukuba Jorōzu by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi Edo-Meiji peiod
Kaya no Mae no Yūrei by Hirezaki Eihō 1906
Dark-blue cotton-cloth yukata with lateral-stripe and wickerwork patterns Meiji period
Portrait of Sanyūtei Enchō, preparatory drawing 1930
Kaidan Botandōrō: Yume no Ba by Baidō Kokunimasa 1982
Baikō Hyakushu no Uchi: Shiobara Tasuke, Sanyūtei Enchō by Toyohara Kunichika 1893