



38.2 × 49.0cm


From the Noh Play Kikujidō (1948)
ink and pale color on paper; hanging scroll
38.2 x 49.0 cm

This painting is based on the Chinese legend of a young attendant to the Zhou dynasty king Mu Wang who was banished to Nanyangqun, Lixian, where he gained eternal youth and immortality after drinking chrysanthemum dew. The term “chrysanthemum dew” refers to the river known as Kikusui [chrysanthemum water], a tributary of the Baihe River in Henan province. The dew from the chrysanthemums growing on the cliffs above the river would drip into the river, sweetening the water. Drinking it was said to grant long life. In the Noh play Kikujidō, which is based on the same legend, Kikujidō performs a joyful dance of eternal youth and longevity before an imperial messenger sent by the emperor who has heard rumors of the miraculous water.
For Kikujidō’s hair and the rock where he is seated, Kiyokata has used a brush that creates a blurred effect, a technique often seen in Chinese literati painting. He has used free-flowing brushstrokes to depict the sense of divinity in the expression and appearance of the legendary young attendant.