
夏の思い出(前半《夏の女》)なつのおもいで(ぜんはん なつのおんな)



27.8 × 956.2cm



Summer Memories (The first half, Woman in Summer) (1911-1912)
ink and color on paper; handscroll
27.8 x 956.2 cm
(Woman in Summer exhibited at the 22th Ugōkai Exhibition)

In 1913, Kiyokata took his older daughter Kiyoko, who was in poor health, to spend the summer in a seaside house at Ōiso. In the autumn, he rented a house at Zōshigaya for a change of air. These sketches are probably from that period. Beginning with two women enjoying the cool evening breeze, the drawings are lively depictions of everyday scenes and the figures of women going about their daily lives. The Album of Beauties by Kaburaki Kiyokata (Nihon Bijutsu Gakuin edition), published in May 1914, includes one scene and some compositions that are similar to the ones in this picture scroll. The postwar Chōseki Ankyo (Daily Life of the Common People in Downtown of the Meiji Period) is an example of a masterpiece of tabletop art, but Kiyokata also produced other superb picture scrolls that mainly depicted everyday scenes at the summer home in Kanazawa including Daily Life in Summer, Kanazawa Enikki (Kanazawa Sketch Diary), Random Sketches of Kimigasaki, Kanazawa Enikki II (Kanazawa Sketch Diary II), and Yūshinan manpitsu (Random Jottings at Yūshinan).